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#AskJaz - Picking Courses, Reduce Root Resorption...

Jaz Gulati

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 1498 comments: 0

The 2nd #AskJaz! I continued answering the big questions on everyone's minds. Keep 'em coming! ​​ 4:46 Picking Year Long Restorative Courses 10:19 Which Facebow you should buy? 12:08 When Giving Treatment...

Disassembling Facebow

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Disassembling Facebow Video thanks to Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry

Assembling a facebow

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This short film shows how to assemble a facebow in a proper way. Video by Institute of Dentistry at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry please visit: www.dentistry.qmul.ac.uk.

Facebow 101 - Arc Of Closure

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Cut to the chase answer for why we use a facebow. Remember, however, there are many reasons and this is the simplest.

Mounting Casts On Articulator - Fakebow (Not...

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We're using the good ol' playdoh table to mount our casts on an articulator. We used a fakebow instead of a facebow.

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