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Thyroglossal Duct  Cyst During Swallowing

Thyroglossal Duct Cyst During Swallowing

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During embryological development, the thyroid gland originates on the back of the tongue and descends through the tongue to its final resting place on the neck in front of the trachea. In some patients,...

Mucous Cyst Floor of Mouth

Mucous Cyst Floor of Mouth

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If the lumen of a mucous gland becomes obstructed, it may continue to secrete mucus and develop into a mucous cyst. There is a medium-sized mucous cyst on the floor of this patient's mouth.

Purulent Discharge Left Submandibular Gland

Purulent Discharge Left Submandibular Gland

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Note the purulent discharge on the floor of the mouth which has been expressed from this right acutely infected submandibular gland.

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