
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Internal Bleaching Protocol

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Teeth with root canal treatment sometimes have a darker color. One of the ways to return the original color is through a process called internal bleaching. This is a technique that is accessible to everyone,...

Apex Locator Tips for the General Dentist

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Your apex locator is one of the most useful tools during endo. It can also be one of the most frustrating. Here are some tips that dr Ashley Mark has learned along the way. 

Endo and Internal Bleaching of Dark Central Incisor...

views: 1474 comments: 0

In this video, Steven T. Cutbirth DDS presents a case of endo and internal bleaching of dark central incisor.

Irrigation In Endodontics | Sodium Hypochlorite

views: 2895 comments: 0

The video discusses the mechanism and protocol of using soudium hypochlorite. Video created by Dr Nisha Garg Dental Academy.

Endo Maxillectomy

views: 4427 comments: 0

This 60 year old patient came with complaints of right nasal obstruction, and one episode of bleeding from the nose. On examination, a mass was seen in the right nasal cavity which turned out to be malignancy...

White Board Discussion - MB2 Discovery

views: 7972 comments: 0

Here's a sweet way to find the MB2 orifice in a Maxillary Molar

Prevent Rmgi From Sticking To Your Instruments

views: 1949 comments: 0

Here is a trick that a German dentist showed me when I was posted to Belgium. Use Endo ice sprayed into a cup to keep the end of your packing instrument cold while playing with RMGI, IRM, etc.

Endo Irrigation Aspirate Your Irrigant?

views: 3763 comments: 0

As RC walked by, I asked - "what'd you learn today, amigo". This is what he told me.

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