apex locator

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Why Doesn't My Apex Locator work? Do This Before...

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Why doesn't my Apex Locator work? Do this before you start your Root Canal. Before you start your root canal - complete this simple check to make sure that your apex locator is working. 

Apex Locator Tips for the General Dentist

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Your apex locator is one of the most useful tools during endo. It can also be one of the most frustrating. Here are some tips that dr Ashley Mark has learned along the way. 

Maxillary Molar Endo Access - Ultrasonic MB2...

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This is the continuation a of table top maxillary molar endo access as seen through a microscope. I am using ultrasonics to trough in the MB1/MB2 region

Maxillary Molar Endo Access - Table Top Microscope

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This is the start of table top maxillary molar endo access as seen through a microscope.

Apex Locator Table Top - Mount In Alginate

views: 2255 comments: 1

How to mount teeth in alginate to simulate PDL with the apex locator.

Apex Locator - Table Top Endodontics Made Easier

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I remember learning this technique 10 years ago. I was helping assist to setup a clinical course for dentists (2 week endodontic short course) and my mentors used this simple apparatus to replicate using...

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