
Adenocarcinoma adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy Histopathology hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case TUMOR ulcer varices
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EMR of Periappendiceal Lesion After Partial Circumferential...

views: 2327 comments: 0

Video case: polyp located close to appendiceal orifice. Minding quite thin wall of the ceacum after proper lifting lateral incision was made to facilitate ensnaring the lesion. Clips applied to the resection...

Colon Lateral Spreading Tumor Resected by EMR

views: 1213 comments: 0

Endoscopic video case: resection of a large colon polyp LST with EMR, very beautiful lesion.

Clip Closure to Prevent Adverse Events After...

views: 935 comments: 0

Video case endoscopy: delayed bleeding is a common adverse event following endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) of large colorectal polyps. Prophylactic clip closure of the mucosal defect before EMR of...

Flat Gastric Adenoma - Resection

views: 1638 comments: 0

Endoscopy video case: flat gastric adenoma (Paris 0-IIb) was resected in hybrid ESD /EMR. The specimen was  histologically examined and was resected completely.

Small Bowel Polyp EMR

views: 1478 comments: 0

A case of an elderly male in his 70s with history of CAD s/p three coronary stents almost 14 months ago on dual antiplatelets who during workup for iron deficiency anemia was found to have a large mid-jejunal...

Flat Centrally Slightly Depressed Lesion, Combined...

views: 836 comments: 2

Endoscopic video case: flat centrally slightly depressed lesion, combined ESD EMR resection. Severe fibrosis cenrally probably due to biopsies done a few weeks earlier in the other medical center. Enjoy...

Laterally Spreading Tumor EMR in the Right Colon

views: 2162 comments: 5

Clinical video case: LST removed in the right colon. NBI imaging revealed no worrisome endoscopic features. The polyp was removed successfully using Endoscopic Mucosal Resection technique. HIstopathology...

ESD/EMR in Ascending Colon

views: 2408 comments: 2

Endoscopic video case: lesion in ascending colon resected in combined ESD/EMR manner... pulsatile bleeding management ... and clipping. 

Snare Tip Assisted Duodenal Adenoma Resection

views: 1366 comments: 5

Endoscopic video case: snare tip assisted duodenal adenoma resection used TJF with lateral incision. 

Peace-Meal EMR for a Large LST in the Right Colon...

views: 2139 comments: 0

Endoscopic video case: 20 years old man with history of crohn desease, ileocecal resection 8 years ago, discovered on colonsocopy screening of a large LST in the right colon NG, Nice 2, biopsy found a...

EMR of Periappendiceal Lesion after Partial Circumferential...

views: 1752 comments: 0

Endoscopic video case: polyp located close to appendiceal orifice. Minding quite thin wall of the ceacum after proper lifting lateral incision was made to facilitate ensnaring the lesion. Clips applied...

Hybrid ESD/EMR with Semicircumferential Incision,...

views: 2175 comments: 1

Video case: starting with semicircumferential incision preparing place for exact snare placement and snaring. Tiny point of pulsatile bleeding coped with. Clips to the edges to reduce resection site....

Underwater Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (UEMR)

views: 4813 comments: 0

Underwater EMR (UEMR), an alternative resection method for colonic neoplasms, avoids the need for submucosal injections. In comparison with reported outcomes of EMR, UEMR achieves similar rates of complete...

EMR Small Flat Polyp Cecum

views: 3891 comments: 0

Video case: EMR of a small lateraly spreading sessile polyp.

Colonoscopy: Transverse Colon Subtle Flat Lesion...

views: 6935 comments: 3

The video shows transverse colon subtle flat lesion EMR.

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