echo elearning
Achieving Competency in Echocardiography
Speaker: Parvathy Nair MD FRCPC Clinical Associate Professor Faculty Lead, Competency Based Medical Education, PGME Faculty Lead, Accreditation, MD Undergraduate Program University of British Columbia...
Basics of Echo Doppler (Part 1)
Basics of Echo Doppler (Part 1). Date: Thursday, 7 March 2024. Speaker: Dr Yazeed Almalki Echo Fellow, St. Michael's Hospital. Objectives: 1. Understand the basics of sound wave physics 2. Discuss Doppler...
Overnight On Call Echo Assessments
Overnight on call echo assessments. Carol Graham MD FRCPC, Cardiology Resident, St. Michael's Hospital. Date: July 21, 2022. Objectives: 1. To recognize clinical situations that require urgent echocardiographic...
Echocardiography Normal Variants in the Eyes...
Echo teaching video: echocardiography normal variants in the eyes of the beholder. Objectives: 1) Introduce common and uncommon normal variants that can be seen on 2D transthoracic echocardiogram 2)...
Cases, Cases, Cases from St. Michael's Hospital...
Echocardiography video: 20 interesting and challenging cases from St. Michael's Echo Lab. Speaker: Dr. Yazeed Almalki. Date: October 6, 2023.
The Physics of Echocardiography; How I Learned...
Echocardiography teaching video: the physics of echocardiography; how I learned to love AS.
Transcatheter Management of Tricuspid Regurgitation...
Echo video: transcatheter management of tricuspid regurgitation - what you need to know.
Echocardiographic Assessment of Rheumatic Heart...
Echocardiographic assessment of rheumatic heart disease. Date: Thursday, January 20, 2023 Objectives: 1. Brief review of the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical presentation of rheumatic heart...
Use of Echo in the Evaluation of Cardiac Sources...
Echo teaching video: use of echo in the evaluation of cardiac sources of embolism.
Use of Echo in the Evaluation of Athlete’s Heart
Echo video case: use of echo in the evaluation of athlete’s heart.