Peace-Meal EMR for a Large LST in the Right Colon...
Endoscopic video case: 20 years old man with history of crohn desease, ileocecal resection 8 years ago, discovered on colonsocopy screening of a large LST in the right colon NG, Nice 2, biopsy found a...
Large Splenic Flexure Polyps, Polypectomy
Indication for colonoscopy: two large splenic flexure polyps. Elective colonoscopy was performed. One small pedunculated polyp (head diameter 10-12 mm) and one large two-headed polyp with a wide, demanding...
Superficial Nonpolypoid Barrett's Neoplasia
The video shows tricks and tips providing early diagnosis of neoplasm associated with Barrett's esophagus. Preview ASGE's 2014 procedure video, The Detection, Diagnosis and Treatment of Superficial Nonpolypoid...
Endoscopic Resection of the Caecal Polyp
This video presents a case of an 86 years old female, who suffered from abdominal pain. Coloscopy showed a large caecal polyp. Ct scan: Renal cancer which was operated.
Jejunum, Benign Neoplasms, Tubular Adenomas with...
This video demonstrates a tubular adenoma with dysplasia in the alimentary limb on a patient status post Roux en Y Gastric Bypass
Barrett's Esophagus, No Dysplasia - Halo 90 Endoscopic...
The radiofrequency ablation Halo 90 and Halo 360 is a method of endoscopic treatment such precancerous condition of the esophagus as Barrett esophagus. It's known as very safe therapy with only 6% chance...
Vagal Sparing Resection Of Esophagus
A mini-invasive procedure of vagal sparring esophagectomy is presented in the following video. It removes the pathologically changed esophagus while preserving the vagus nerves important in respiratory...
Barrett's Esophagus - Halo 90 Endoscopic Therapy
The radiofrequency ablation Halo 90 and Halo 360 is a method of endoscopic treatment such precancerous condition of the esophagus as Barrett esophagus. It's known as very safe therapy with only 6% chance...
Barrett's Esophagus - Halo 90 Endoscopic Therapy
The radiofrequency ablation Halo 90 and Halo 360 is a method of endoscopic treatment such precancerous condition of the esophagus as Barrett esophagus. It's known as very safe therapy with only 6% chance...
Barrett's Esophagus - Halo 360 Endoscopic Therapy
The radiofrequency ablation Halo 90 and Halo 360 is a method of endoscopic treatment such precancerous condition of the esophagus as Barrett esophagus. It's known as very safe therapy with only 6% chance...
Pedunculated Polyp Removal From Colon
The following video shows a removal of 5 cm long pedunculated polyp of a colon (low grade of dysplasia).
Colitis Ulcerosa - Pseudopolyps (13 of 22)
Random biopsies may reveal the changes of low grade or high grade dysplasia. The colonoscopist cannot usually distinguish flat dysplastic from normal mucosa, and the diagnosis therefore depends on...
Stalked Polyp - Polypectomy (1 of 6)
Polyps with a large pedicle at the descending colon. This 58 year old male who undergone a colonoscopy as a medical control, in the same colonoscopy the polyp was snared. The histopathologic study...
Longstanding gastroesophageal reflux disease...
Glycogenic acanthosis of the esophagus. This condition is asymptomatic and an incidental finding. These nodules or plaques result from accumulation of excess glycogen in mature squamous cells of the...