Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Ask the Experts: The gift of Sight treatments...

Specialty:  Diabetology
views: 1468 comments: 0

Experts answer questions about all aspects of eye disease including how to reduce your risk of developing diabetic eye disease and what treatments are available to preserve vision.

Diabetes Tech | ENDO 2020 Virtual News Conference

Specialty:  Endocrinology
views: 881 comments: 0

Our ENDO2020 virtual news conference on diabetes tech covers research on how tear glands can signal poor blood glucose control, the impact diabetes has on bariatric surgery outcomes, and blood sugar management...

Science Writers Conference on COVID-19, Diabetes,...

Specialty:  Endocrinology
views: 556 comments: 0

Experts Amy Rothberg, MD, PhD, and Mihail Zilbermint, MD, discuss how COVID-19 affects obesity and diabetes treatment.

Hyperglycemia Symposium | ENDO 2022

Specialty:  Endocrinology
views: 1614 comments: 0

The Hyperglycemia Symposium was a clinical education presentation at ENDO 2022.  The video describes the management of hyperglycemia in hospitalized patients in non-critical care settings.

Managing T2D and CVD in Older Adults

Specialty:  Diabetology
views: 1336 comments: 0

Older adults with diabetes have higher rates of premature death, functional disability, and coexisting illnesses, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, and stroke, than those without diabetes....

Ask the Experts: Neuropathy and PAD: Minimizing...

Specialty:  Diabetology
views: 1735 comments: 0

One of the scariest complications of diabetes is amputation. You’ll have an opportunity to ask your questions while we review what steps you can take to prevent the risk of developing neuropathy and peripheral...

Ask the Experts: Ethnic groups - does race matter...

Specialty:  Diabetology
views: 675 comments: 0

Are there racial disparities in eye care and/or are different racial groups more at risk of diabetic eye diseases? 

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