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Exodontia for Beginners - Extraction Techniques...

Jaz Gulati

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 120 comments: 0

Application points, luxation vs elevation, avoiding common mistakes - this one's an episode that I wish I had when I was at dental school! How do you know when you've found the application point during...

Parenthood & Dentistry

Jaz Gulati

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 2272 comments: 0

As busy, career-driven Dentists we have unique challenges as Parents. Join Dr. Hardeep Basi and I as we share Parenthood's stories and challenges (and share its magic!). Highlights of this episode: 6:33...

Five Things You Should Know About Ceramic Veneers

Specialty:  Prosthodontics
views: 1351 comments: 0

In this video, Dr. Richard Stevenson discusses the five most critical things to know about porcelain (ceramic) veneers before you decide to have them done on yourself! Learn the science behind veneers...

Microsurgery with Different Lasers Wavelength...

Ariel Savion

Specialty:  Periodontics
views: 4618 comments: 0

In video one can obsreve treatment with blue laser 455 nm (diode laser) durnig frenectomy in first step. In second step, I performed apicoectomy with YSGG 2780 nm laser (erbium laser) under magnification....

Jason Smithson on eMax Onlays and Vertipreps

Jaz Gulati

Specialty:  Prosthodontics
views: 1395 comments: 0

In this mammoth episode (boy, it’s a long one but I hope you like it!) we have the legend that is Dr Jason Smithson discuss about the eMax Onlays and Vertipreps.     

Make Extractions Less Difficult - Sectioning...

Jaz Gulati

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 2347 comments: 0

We have all encountered those difficult extractions - that struggle etches a special pattern in our brain for life. It has made many of our colleagues get anxiety about exodontia. 00:00 - Jaz's Introduction...

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