cystic artery

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Cystic Artery with Bipolar Diathermy

views: 241 comments: 2

Cystic artery and its big branches are better secured with bipolar even if monopolar dissection looked to be sufficient. Safety and feasibility of cystic artery control with bipolar electrocautery in...

Arterial Dissection in a Cystic Artery Variation...

views: 325 comments: 1

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a commonly performed procedure in gastrointestinal surgery, but it carries the risk of bleeding complications due to vascular injuries, which can lead to significant...

Caterpillar (Moynihan’s) Hump Anomaly Encountered...

views: 960 comments: 1

While performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a obese male of BMI 40, after obtaining critical view of safety, a large pulsating vessel presumed to be cystic arteries with overlying node was found....

Arterial Dissection in a Case of Chronic Fibrotic...

views: 796 comments: 1

Accurate identification of the anatomy of the cystic artery is important. Uncontrolled arterial bleeding during laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a serious problem and may increase the risk of bile duct...

Triple Arterial Blood Supply to the Gallbladder...

views: 737 comments: 0

In the classic textbook description of hepatic artery anatomy, the common hepatic artery (CHA) arises from the celiac axis. The CHA then branches into the gastroduodenal artery and proper hepatic artery....

Madany Triangle is Safe in Case with Caterpillar...

views: 2271 comments: 8

Madany triangle is safe as a critical view of safety even in a case with Caterpillar hump of Rt hepatic artery. We abolish the seat belt effect of the cystic artery and its branches on the proximal part...

Cystic Artery With Bipolar Diathermy

views: 2246 comments: 0

Cystic artery and its big branches are better secured with bipolar even if monopolar dissection looked to be sufficient. Safety and feasibility of cystic artery control with bipolar electrocautery in...

Step by Step Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

views: 6574 comments: 3

Surgical teaching video: step by step laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Step 1: Dissection of the hepatocystic triangle. Step 2: Establishing the critical view of safety. Step 3: Cystic artery is clipped...

The Critical View of Safety (CVS)

views: 2600 comments: 0

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy was introduced into wide practice about 1990, with demonstrated benefit to patients. However, it was associated with a sharp increase in major bile duct injuries. Biliary...

Division of Cystic Artery in the Presence of...

views: 3260 comments: 0

During lap chole is it common to see the Caterpillar hump of Rt hepatic artery?

Dissection of Cystic Duct Below Rouvier Sulcus...

views: 2665 comments: 4

Dissection of the cystic duct is usually above the plane of Rouvier Sulcus, but in some cases like this, you may encounter the cystic duct below this plane. Careful cautious dissection of the cystic duct...

Critical View of Safety

views: 7020 comments: 0

The Critical View of Safety (CVS) is a method of target identification, the targets being the cystic duct and the cystic artery. Today, CVS is taught and used widely. It is accepted as a good means of...

Celiac Trunk - Dissection

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 8826 comments: 0

The video presents dissection of celiac trunk. Video by Dr. Akram Jaffar, Department of Medical Neuroscience Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick.

Anatomy Of Celiac Trunk

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 13951 comments: 0

The video presents anatomy of celiac trunk. Video by Dr. Akram Jaffar, Department of Medical Neuroscience Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick.

Gross Anatomy Of The Liver

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 8071 comments: 0

The video presents anatomy of the liver. Video by Dr. Akram Jaffar, Department of Medical Neuroscience Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick.

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