common hepatic artery

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Triple Arterial Blood Supply to the Gallbladder...

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In the classic textbook description of hepatic artery anatomy, the common hepatic artery (CHA) arises from the celiac axis. The CHA then branches into the gastroduodenal artery and proper hepatic artery....

Radiographic Anatomy - Celiac Trunk Angiogram

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 2438 comments: 0

In this video, Dr. Akram Jaffar, Ph.D., presents a comprehensive overview of the branches of the celiac trunk and their distribution. By watching the video, you will learn to identify important arteries...

Celiac Trunk - Dissection

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 8842 comments: 0

The video presents dissection of celiac trunk. Video by Dr. Akram Jaffar, Department of Medical Neuroscience Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick.

Anatomy Of Celiac Trunk

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 13979 comments: 0

The video presents anatomy of celiac trunk. Video by Dr. Akram Jaffar, Department of Medical Neuroscience Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick.

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