Rebleed Fundal Varix - Cyanoacrylate + AB-Gel...
Video case: fundal varix - glue therapy - rebleed - glue + AB-gel injection.
Endoscopic Gluing Technique Using the Cyanoacrylate...
Preview ASGE's 2013 AV Award winning procedure video, Endoscopic Gluing Technique Using the Cyanoacrylate Super Glue (DV060). This DVD covers the endoscopic technique of cyanoacrylate glue injection...
Gastric Varices - Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
Histoacryl was injected intravariceally. Histoacryl injection sclerotherapy is highly effective for the treatment of bleeding gastric varices, with rare complications occurring both acutely and long-term....
Large Gastric Varices (3 of 4)
The patient underwent Cyanoacrylate glue injection for her gastricvarices. Variceal obstruction with cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive had been used successfully and most studies have achieved control...
Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
Complete obliteration status Gastric variceal obliteration was achieved
Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
Follow up Endoscopy After two year and a half it is observed complete obliteration of the varix.
Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
Fibrin and ulcers of post banding at the esophagus are displayed
Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
Status post variceal ligation is observed at the cardias.
Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
Massive transfusions by nature lead to hemodilution, acidosis, hypothermia and ultimately coagulopathy. To minimize these complications it is recommended to replace plasma constituents and platelets...
Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
Status post injection of histoacryl mixture. Under normal circumstances blood from the fundus is drained by the short and posterior gastric veins into the splenic vein. In portal hypertension the...
Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
Successful obliteration with hardening of variceal bed. A follow up endoscopy one week later was performed. It is essential to define the endpoint of treatment, as well as have a standardized protocol...
Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
The patient has not had any further episodes of gastrointestinal bleeding in the months since her procedure. Histoacryl is highly effective for the treatment of bleeding gastric varices. The treatment...
Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
Conceptually, cyanoacrylate glue provides an ideal endoscopic treatment for gastric varices. Native cyanoacrylate is a liquid with a consistency similar to water and therefore lends itself to intravariceal...
Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
Hemostatic methods that use standard therapy for esophageal varices have not been found effective for gastric varices. Due to their large size and extensive distribution, it is difficult if not impossible...
Gastric Varices - Endoscopic Ablation With Cyanoacrylate...
The image and the video clips show the third shot of histoacryl. The dilution ratio increases if Lipiodol is used to flush the injector before injection. The rationale for diluting Histoacryl with...