clip closure
Colonoscopy - Ascending Colon - Flat Lesion -...
This video shows clip closure after resection of flat lesion in ascending colon.
Colonoscopy - Sigmoid Polyp 7 - Clip closure
This video shows a clip closure after resection of sigmoid polyp.
EMR Scar Clip
The following video shows clipping of a lesion created by scar resection. Clip closure is performed to bring the edges of the wound together to ease the healing end to prevent complications, such as delayed...
Colonoscopy Goes Awry - Cecal EMR Bleed - clip...
This video shows clip closure after endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). EMR is usually performed with a polypectomy snare after the lesion has been lifted with a submucosal fluid injection. On the end...
Colon EMR Perforation Analysis-H
This video shows clip closure after polyp removal. Clip closure is one of steps of endoscopic mucosal resection.
Colonoscopy - Ascending Colon - Twin Lesion EMR...
A colonoscopy of a middle aged man who was diagnosed with twin lesion in his ascending colon is presented. During the video we can see a resection of the polyps followed by APC (argon plasma coagulation)...
Colonoscopy - Descending Colon EMR of a Prior...
This video shows the endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) technique followed by arrgon plasma coagulation (APC) and clip closure. Sessile serrated adenomas (SSAs) are characterized by their jagged appearance...
Colonoscopy - Ascending Colon EMR Defect Clip...
The EMR (endoscopic mucosal resection) is performed in order to excise lesions in the colon as an alternative for the surgery. To prevent distant complications an EMR defect should be closed properly....
Colonoscopy - IC Valve EMR - Hot Biopsy Avulsion...
The video presented above details a case of a middle aged man, who underwent an IC (Ileocecal) valve EMR, with hot biopsy avulsion, APC (argon plasma coagulation) and clip closure. The patient's past...
Clip Closure Technique of a Large Transverse...
This particular video presents an unedited clip to show the details of clip closure of a large transverse defect after removal of a large polyp in the transverse colon.
Rectum - Giant Sessile Polyp - EMR - Clip Tamponade...
Large polyps used to be referred to surgery for removal. Now a days, these can be removed with colonoscopy because of advances in techniques. Whenever a large polyp removal is undertaken, one should remove...