BipoEP - Bipolar Prostate Enucleation
Urology video case: bipolar prostate adenoma enucleation without morcellation.
Bipolar Endoscopic Vapo Enucleation of Prostate
Anatomical endoscopic enucleation of the prostate for the treatment of benign prostatic obstruction. The energy source used in this video is the bipolar radiofrequency with a generator that uses a vaporizing...
Anatomical Endoscopic Enucleation of Prostate...
Anatomical endoscopic enucleation of prostate for benign prostatic obstruction using the pulsed Tm:YAG laser. In this case we used 80 W, 160 Hz, 100% effect. Laser fiber 550. 26 Ch (*brand hidden*) resectoscope....
Virtual Basket Pulse Modulation Holmium Laser...
This is the case I presented at the recent meeting "Technology & Training in Endourology", organized by Cesare Scoffone and Cecilia Cracco. It shows a HoLEP case performed with another Holmium...
Real-life HoLEP 22: Low Power Holmium Laser In...
This video shows a real-life holmium laser enucleation of the prostate with a low power holmium laser (18 Hz, 2,2 J) in a patient with many adenomatous nodules. The plane was difficult as the patient...
Real-life HoLEP 21: Diverticular Bladder With...
This video shows a real-life en-block holmium laser enucleation of the prostate. This patient had a retention of urine with a 2 liter residual and also he had a diverticular bladder with stones.
Real-life HoLEP 20: Difficult Dissection Plane
This is a case where the differentiation of the plane is quite difficult. It is a nice video that shows some tips and tricks on how to navigate around the adenoma judging the depth of dissection when...
Real-Life HoLEP 19: Modified Three-Lobe HoLEP...
This is a video of a live transmission we carried out last week from our operating room at ICUA-Clínica CEMTRO. It shows how to use the concept of the "white line" to achieve an excellent external...
Real life MoLEP 18 - Big Prostate With MOSES
This video shows a MoLEP. In this case, a man with an estimated prostate volume of 200 g is submitted to En bloc MoLEP with an early apical release. Video by Dr. Fernando Gómez Sancha.
Real Life HoLEP 17 - Peripheral Zone BPH Nodule
This case is quite didactic, and I added some graphic information that might help explain the concepts I insist on for En Bloc enucleation. The audio was not recorded in the operating room, but I decided...
Real-Life HoLEP 16: A Man With Rigid Hips
This is a case of a man with very rigid hips. It was difficult to position him on a lithotomy position and the mobility of the scope was limited. But with enough patience, it was possible to negotiate...
Real Life HoLEP Case Number 15: Trilobar Prostate...
This is another case in the series, a man with a rather small-calibre urethra, and a trilobar prostate. I felt somewhat inspired and discussed several interesting aspects related to HoLEP and the development...
Real Life MoLEP Case Number 14: Patient In Retention...
This man was recently treated for a stone in a left ureterocoele and as a consequence developed refractory urinary retention. He was under active surveillance for ISUP grade I prostate cancer. We decided...
Real life HoLEP Case Number 13: A Bulky Prostate...
This is another interesting case. It teaches how one has to be patient and cope with low visibility sometimes and progress in the operation to complete it successfully. Video by Dr. Fernando Gómez Sancha.