breast cancer

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Case Report - Axillary Lymphadenectomy

Case Report - Axillary Lymphadenectomy

views: 541 comments: 0

Case report: use of TachoSil for sufficient sealing after axillary lymphadenectomy due to breast cancer.

Use of TachoSil® for Sufficient Haemostasis After Radical Mastectomy Due to Breast Cancer

Use of TachoSil® for Sufficient Haemostasis After...

views: 337 comments: 0

Treatment of difuse bleeding in the area of the rectus abdominis muscle with TachoSil. Resulting in shortening the duration of the intervention.

Breast Cancer Highlights - 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting

Breast Cancer Highlights - 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting


Specialty:  Surgical Oncology
views: 3102 comments: 0

This pdf is titled: Breast Cancer Highlights - 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting. The 2022 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) was held in Chicago, IL on June 3–7, 2022 with...

MEDtube Science 2019 - 40-year old patient diagnosed with breast cancer during her fifth pregnancy – case report

MEDtube Science 2019 - 40-year old patient diagnosed...

views: 842 comments: 0

Pregnancy-associated breast cancer (PABC) is defined as a breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy or in the first 12 months after the delivery. The diagnosis of PABC is an undeniable challenge for future...

MEDtube Science 2014 - Occult breast cancer: a challenging diagnostic and therapeutic problem

MEDtube Science 2014 - Occult breast cancer:...

views: 461 comments: 0

Breast cancer (BC) is a major oncological problem in developed countries and also an increasing problem in developing countries. In European Union countries, BC was diagnosed in over 330 000 women in...

Evaluation of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy Induced Liver Fibrosis by Elastography

Evaluation of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy Induced...

views: 2485 comments: 0

Radiotherapy is an essential part of breast cancer standard therapeutic regimen. Based on anatomical vicinity, liver is susceptible to radiation induced injury at doses more than 30 gray. This study designed...

Breast Cancer - Medical Treatment, Side Effects and Complementary Therapies 2017

Breast Cancer - Medical Treatment, Side Effects...

views: 4247 comments: 0

Presentation on Breast Cancer - Medical Treatment, Side Effects and Complementary Therapies 2017, Hegazy Surgery.

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