breast cancer

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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11th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-11)

Past events Fee: Not specified Views: 3403

We are honoured to announce that the 11th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-11) will take place on March 21-23, 2018, in Barcelona, Spain. The Conference...

International Breast Symposium Düsseldorf (IBSD)

Past events Fee: 175 - 375 EUR Views: 2935

The 5th Symposium will be different and new for scientific conferences. Our goal is to to accomplish lively scientific controversial discussions together with the...

London Breast Meeting 2016

Past events Fee: Not specified Views: 2455

Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are very pleased to invite you to the third London Breast Meeting, scheduled for the 8th-10th September 2016. The London Breast...

19th SIS World Congress on Breast Healthcare

Past events Fee: 100 EUR Views: 3057

On behalf of the SIS (Senologic International Society) and PTBnRP (Polish Society for Breast Cancer Research) we cordially invite you to the 19th SIS World Congress...

European Breast Cancer Conference 2016

Past events Fee: Not specified Views: 2973

The European Breast Cancer Conference in 2016 (EBCC-10) will take place in the context of very tangible advances that have been made for patients in recent years....

Breast Surgery Workshop ESSO endorsed (Poland, Lodz)

Specialty:  Surgical Oncology
Past events Fee: Free of charge Views: 3316

AIM OF WORKSHOP • Philosophy and current concepts of surgical treatment of breast cancer • Oncoplastic and reconstructive techniques • Evidence-...

Breast Surgery Workshop ESSO endorsed (Poland, Cracow)

Specialty:  Surgical Oncology
Past events Fee: Not specified Views: 3212

AIM OF WORKSHOP • Philosophy and current concepts of surgical treatment of breast cancer • Oncoplastic and reconstructive techniques • Evidence-...

Breast Imaging from A to Z - How to Read Like (Or Better...

Specialty:  Radiology
Past events Fee: Not specified Views: 2048

The course is designed to improve performance by both novices and experts. It provides an integrated full discussion aimed at comprehending the basis and applications...

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