Gastroenterology publications
Large Colon Polyps - When to Snare & When...
This is the presentation from a course in St. Louis on large colon polyps.
Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM)
eBook: PerOral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM). Principles and uses of the PerOral Endoscopic Myotomy.
Symplified Technique of Pancreaticogastrostomy
Failure of pancreaticoenteric anastomos is a major cause of morbidity after pancreaticoduodenectomy. Factors that contribute to the poor outcome of this anastomosis are soft glandular texture, and small...
MEDtube Science 2018 - Preoperative Immunonutrition...
Surgical procedures due to gastrointestinal tumors are associated with increased risk of postoperative complications and mortality. This is a result of malnutrition and impairment of the immune system....
MEDtube Science 2017 - Obesity and Metabolic...
Obesity is a state of the body, when the amount of energy delivered from food exceeds its consumption by the body. The concept of metabolic syndrome (MS) is determined by the coexistence of the clinical...
MEDtube Science 2017 - Colorectal Cancer During...
Malignancies in pregnant women are very rare with colorectal cancer being the eighth most commonly found. Colon cancer during the pregnancy is often diagnosed at an advanced stage because of its symptoms...
Can Increasing the Number of Close Contact Lead...
Can Increasing the Number of Close Contact Lead to More Mortality in COVID-19 Infected Patients?
Preventive Strategies Used by GI physicians During...
Preventive strategies used by GI physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic
Abdominal Pain and Fever Following Gastric Mini-bypass...
Abdominal Pain and Fever Following Gastric Mini-bypass Surgery.
An Unusual Treatment for Massive and Refractory...
An Unusual Treatment for Massive and Refractory Bleeding after Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography.
Necrotizing Fasciitis Due to Colonic Perforation...
Colonoscopy is a good method for diagnosis of colonic and distal ileum diseases and is the method of choice in screening colorectal cancer. However it may lead to serious complications including bleeding...
Esophageal Perforation due to Swallowing a Glass...
Esophageal perforation is a rare yet very serious condition, which usually needs surgical repair. In spite of its rarity, esophageal perforation could become extremely dangerous and even life-threatening....
Colocolic Intussusception in a Patient with a...
A 37-year-old man presented with chronic non-specific gastrointestinal tract symptoms including rectal bleeding. Colonoscopic examination showed a mass-like lesion in the descending colon with ulcerated...
Gottumukkala Raju
Ahmad Hormati
MD, PhD - Assistant Professor
José Celso Ardengh
MD, PhD - Assistant Professor
Gastroenterology Atlas
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American Association for Primary Care Endoscopy
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SAGES - Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
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Colonscopy Quiz by Dr. Raju
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Cherifa Naar
Morera Francisco
MD, PhD.
Ali AL Eddey
Ahmad Hormati
MD, PhD - Assistant Professor