Prosthodontics courses

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Glass Ionomer Cementation (1/6)

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This video shows procedure of normal cementation using glass ionomer cement (1/6). The video was acquired working through a stereo-microscope.

Best Way To Fix Crown - Adhesive Cementation...

views: 8340 comments: 0

This video shows procedure of adhesive cementation (1/2). The video was acquired working through a stereo-microscope.

Bridge Insert: Checking The Strength And Location...

views: 5234 comments: 0

Dr. K taught me to use articulating paper held in a set of hemostats to check not only the strength of an interproximal contact, but also the location

Bridge Insert: Porcelain Contour Adjustment

views: 15438 comments: 0

Here I"m adjusting the facial contour of the FDP's porcelain. Pre-residency - I would have left it the way it was. Now - not a chance. The contour is a significant factor in smile design.

Dental Bridge Hygiene 101

views: 5078 comments: 0

Here are a few tools that patients can employ to keep their new fancae dancae bridge clean. Remember - the cleaner you can keep it - especially where the fake tooth is - the longer you will keep it.

Dental Crown Removal - "A" Point Improvisation

views: 18613 comments: 1

There are many toysto remove a crown - however - often, we have to section a crown in half, and then use something to "break the cement seal". Of course, we don't have anything that can apply any kind...

Finishing Crown Margin After Cementation

views: 5969 comments: 0

The gold crown margin bas been over polished by approximately.3mm in localized areas. I'm using a White Stone in a high speed hand piece to smooth margins after cementing this restorations. A white stone...

Ceramic Veneers Adhesive Cementation (4/4)

views: 6303 comments: 1

In this video you can see adhesive cementation of ceramic veneers (4/4). video was acquired working through a stereo-microscope.

Ceramic Veneers Adhesive Cementation (3/4)

views: 10513 comments: 1

In this video you can see adhesive cementation of ceramic veneers (3/4). video was acquired working through a stereo-microscope.

Ceramic Veneers Adhesive Cementation (2/4)

views: 5560 comments: 1

In this video you can see adhesive cementation of ceramic veneers (2/4). video was acquired working through a stereo-microscope.

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