Ear Drainage

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Case description

Ear ventilation tube is recommended in otitis media secretoria remianing at least 3 months and in retraction eardrum in children or an unstabile retraction pocket in adults. The purpose of ventilation tube insertion is the maintaining the normal middle ear pressure in conditions of Eustachian tube disfunction.

In the right ear the red eardrum is cutted between the inferior quadrants and in the middle distance from umbilicus to the ring, pararell to this. Next, the tympanic cavity is rinsed with the saline or steroid solution. Ventilation tube is inserted through the slit of eardrum with the screwing in movements.

In the left ear the retraction of the flaccid part of the tympanic membrane and exudate are visible. After wax removal, insertion of the ventilation tube is performed similarly to the right ear.

Procedure was performed by Kazimierz Niemczyk, MD, PhD

tags: EAR ear drainage eustachian tube grainage left ear right ear

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