Second – Look Tympanoplasty

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Case description

The aim of the second – look tympanoplasty is to check the middle ear in respect of inflammatory tissue and removing it as well to restore sound conduction. Through posterior tympanotomy performed during previous surgery, hypotympanum occupied by fibrous tissue and partially immobilized ossicular chain were exposed. Infalmmatory fluid and scars were removed from the tympanic cavity and adhesion between the tymanic membrane and incudo-stapedial joint which was intact during previous surgery. Then the mobillity of the preserved ossicular chain was confirmed and in the place where adhered to the tympanic membrane a piece of cartilage was placed to separate the structures and prevent the scars. The fascia and the skin behind the ear were sutured.

Procedure was performed by Kazimierz Niemczyk, MD, PhD

tags: Hypotympanum second-look tympanoplasty tympanotomy

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