Right Cochlear Implantation

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Case description

At the beginning of the surgery, the site for the internal processor of the implant was created on the temporal region of the skull beneath the muscles and fascia. The antromastoidectomy and postetior tympanotomy were performed with preserving the bone bridge over the short crus of the incus. Posterior tympanotomy should be carried out with great attention addressed for both the facial nerve and chorda tympani. Promontory and round window were then visible through the posterior tympanotomy and cochleostomy is performed in front of the round window. The body of the implant was placed in the pocket on the skull and the passive electrode was putted in the soft tissues. Active electrode was inserted into the scala tympani and the cochleostomy is sealed up. The fascia and the skin behind the ear were sutured.

Procedure was performed by Kazimierz Niemczyk, MD, PhD

tags: antromastoidectomy cochlear implantation implant tympanotomy

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