Emergency medicine training
Patient safety in intensive care unit (ICU)
The film presents the procedures to ensure the safety and comfort of the patient located on the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
Clinical Management of Chemical and Biological...
Professor Jay Doucet presents topic related to biological and chemical agents that most commonly occur in patients. With this presentation we will learn what are the first symptoms and the most frequent...
Communication in the ICU
Very interesting presentation by Dr. Dennis Kim, which shows the importance of communication in intensive care, basic problems and ways to improve communication with the patient and his family.
Emergency Department Thoracotomy (EDT)
Presentation discussing the doctors and nurses goals when they perform a thoracotomy. What they hope to achieve when they perform the procedure, and indication of revival rates with patients.
Arrhythmias In The Acute Care Setting
In this film the drug. Dennis Kim raises issues concerning the tachyarrhythmia, atrial fibrillation and some basic mechanisms of their formation.
Transfusion Issues
Kris Mitchell and others include information about the history of blood transfusion, its physiology, and recommendations and reasons for why some patients can not perform this procedure.
Venous thromboembolism in trauma patients
This film presentation by MD Steve Shackford and others includes information aboutthe physiology of the emergence of the disease, diagnosis, prevention and treatment methods.
Alcohol Withdrawal
Film presented by MD Matt Kill and others, shows information about the physiology of this syndrome. Also speaks about diagnosing, the basic scale for the classification of symptoms (CIWA), and treatment...
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
The film describes this syndrome, its causes, symptoms, current and future treatment methods.
APRV and Ventilation
In this film, the doctor Vishal Bansal presents a method of mechanical pressure reduction, method of operation, its application and contraindication.
Management of the Potential Organ Donor
During this lecture, Professor Kenneth E. Wood talks about the management of potential organ donors.
Nutritional Support in Trauma
Raul Coimbra presents issues related to the role of nutrition during traumas.
Respiratory Therapy
DR. Bruce Potenza and Peg Hollingsworth-Fridlund talk about the proper procedure for carrying oxygen therapy, used equipment and people involved during this therapy.
Economic analysis of the functioning of intensive...
Dr. Jay Doucet in this video presents the economic principles of functioning evacuation intensive therapy effectiveness. The economic effects of having ICU, enrollment limits, and the arguments for closing...
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure which is performed in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation...
UCSD Trauma Burn
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Larry Mellick
medical institution
Gastroenterology Atlas
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SAGES - Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons
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High Impact - Medical Animation
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Chest Tube Insertion
UCSD Trauma Burn
views: 19368
Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage (DPL)
UCSD Trauma Burn
views: 12108
Surgical Cricothyroidotomy
UCSD Trauma Burn
views: 10552
Real Life Trauma Resuscitation
UCSD Trauma Burn
views: 6014
Topical Sealants
UCSD Trauma Burn
views: 1892
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Jaz Gulati
Gerardo José Illescas Fernández
MD, PhD - Assistant Professor
Larry Mellick
medical institution
UCSD Trauma Burn
medical institution