root canal treatment

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Root Canal Retreatment Tips

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This patient presented with continuing cold sensitivity to her Root Canal Treated Maxillary Central incisor. Dr Ashley Mark can thankfully say that her pain is gone after retreatment. 

Root Canal Treatment - Mandibular First Permanent...

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This is a First Permanent Molar Endo with a Radix Entomolaris. There are a bunch of tips in here that dr Ashley Mark learned from his own mentors and wanted to share with you. 

Root Canal with Calcified Canals and S Curve...

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The patient had a temporary crown placed, but needed a root canal after her tooth became symptomatic. Her tooth had a calcified mesial lingual canal, an S -curve.

Access Cavity Preparation

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The video disscuses preparation of endo access to the tooth cavity. Video created by Dr Nisha Garg Dental Academy.

Irrigation In Endodontics | Sodium Hypochlorite

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The video discusses the mechanism and protocol of using soudium hypochlorite. Video created by Dr Nisha Garg Dental Academy.

How operating microscope can help us with difficult...

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 Operating microscope can be very useful at any parts of root canal treatment. This movie shows sad clinical situation of vertical crown and root fracture.

How to deal with endo-perio syndrome?

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Treating the endo-periodontal leasions is always quite problematic. Many publications opine this kind of pathology as one of the most difficult. In 2006 Jorge Vera, Martin Trope, Federic Barnett and Kenneth...

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