root canal treatment

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views: 1005 comments: 0

Endocrown is an easy to perform crown for root canal treated tooth with added retention. In this presentation dr Benin has explained the procedure to make endocrown.

Management Of Pain After RCT

views: 1151 comments: 0

In this presentation, dr Benin has explained about different strategies to prevent and minimize pain that occurs after doing Root Canal Treatment.

Management Of Pain After RCT

views: 824 comments: 0

In this presentation, dr Benin has explained about different strategies to prevent and minimize pain that occurs after doing Root Canal Treatment.

What To See In A Radiograph Before RCT

views: 874 comments: 0

In this video i have explained about all details which have to be seen in a radiograph before doing root canal treatment in a tooth. This will be really helpful for dentists and dental students

Pre Endodontic Restoration

views: 1736 comments: 0

This presentation explains about the importance of doing pre endodontic restoration and the simple and easy procedures for doing it.

Pediatric Root Canal Treatment - Maxillary Primary...

views: 1645 comments: 0

I this video we have elaborated three major steps in a Pulp Canal Treatment Procedure in primary teeth: 1) Access Opening 2) Chemomechanical Preparation 3) Obturation 

Mandibular Molar with Pulp Stone

views: 1152 comments: 0

We often find odd locations of MB2, but this case is extreme. Moreover, the WL of this canal is only 12mm. 

Instrument Fracture In Rotary Endodontics - How...

views: 836 comments: 0

This video provides simple tips to prevent instrument separation during endodontic treatment by rotary files.

Problem Solving In Access Opening During RCT

views: 914 comments: 0

A short description about problems encountered during root canal access and tips to solve them.

Access Opening of Maxillary Premolar

views: 1800 comments: 0

This is a demonstration of access opening on extracted tooth - maxillary molar. 

Maxillary Molar Access Opening with MB2

views: 1341 comments: 0

This video presents endodontic access opening in maxillary molar, with MB2.

Hidden Canal - Maxillary Molar

views: 1649 comments: 0

We often find odd locations of MB2, but this case is extreme. Moreover, the WL of this canal is only 12mm. 

Intrapulpal Anesthesia

views: 1984 comments: 0

Dr. Nasseh shares his technique for Intrapulpal Anesthesia used for "Insurance Anesthesia!".

When To Measure The Working Length - Early Or...

views: 908 comments: 0

Dr. Nasseh shares a comment question trying to address whether it's a better idea to measure working length early or late during instrumentation.

Laws Of Access Cavity Preparation - Part 2

views: 1969 comments: 0

In this video, dr Nisha shares the laws of access cavity preparation in endodontics.

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