small pupil

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Cataract Surgery in a 19mm Eye

views: 3048 comments: 0

This video demonstrates techniques to deal with a small chamber, small eye and small pupil to safely perform cataract surgery. The use of the (*brand hidden*) device enhances the safety and effictiveness...

Oval Rhexis is Small Pupil

views: 6479 comments: 0

Oval rhexis helps in easy removal of cataract in the presence of small pupil without the use of iris hooks or dilators.

Small pupil with Malyugin Ring

views: 6089 comments: 0

Pupil expansion with Malyugin ring. Video by Howard Gimbel, MD.

Oasis Pupil Expansion Ring

Jason Jones

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4202 comments: 1

Phaco with a small pupil from pseudoexfoliation is presented. A new device, the Oasis Pupil Expansion Ring, is employed to enlarge the pupil. Video by Jason Jones, MD.

Small Pupil Cataract Surgery

views: 5741 comments: 0

Dr.Gimbel demonstrates a small pupil phacoemulsification without using an iris hooks or Malyugin ring. The Haeflinger cleaver could be used safely for nucleus cracking behind the iris. Online sharing...

Pseudoexfoliation: Small Pupil, Loose Zonules

Jason Jones

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 4554 comments: 3

Phacoemulsification of a moderate cataract in the setting of pseudoexfoliation. Poor dilation and lax zonules are encountered and managed. Video by Jason Jones.

Small Pupil VIII

views: 5759 comments: 0

Dense cataract removed through small pupil. Video by Howard V. Gimbel M.D.

Small Pupil V

views: 5362 comments: 0

Another small pupil phaco with Dr Gimbel.

Small Pupil IV

views: 5506 comments: 0

Dr Gimbel demonstrates phaco in small pupil case.

Small Pupil III

views: 5842 comments: 0

Dr Gimbel shares some more pearls on managing small pupils without Malyugin rings.

Small Pupil Malyugin Ring

views: 8847 comments: 0

 Dr Gimbel narrates a small pupil case expanded using the Malyugin ring.

Phacoemulsification - Small Pupil

Dr. Ahmed

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 5807 comments: 0

Phacoemulsification - hard case, with small pupil.

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