pediatric surgery

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Use of TachoSil® After Laparoscopic Excision of an Enormous Hepatic Cyst in an 18-month-old Child

Use of TachoSil® After Laparoscopic Excision...

views: 622 comments: 0

A rare pediatric case report on large liver cyst originating from theinferior surface of liver segments 5 and 6. Laparoscopic approach of  en bloc resection together with the attached hepatic parenchyma....

Use of TachoSil® for Sufficient Sealing of a Small Bowel Serosal Defect in 12-Year-Old Child

Use of TachoSil® for Sufficient Sealing of a...

views: 535 comments: 0

Showcasing a second revision surgery after appendectomy due to renewed abscess formation in the abdominal cavity. Use of TachoSil® to cover large serosal defect in the ileum and protect the damaged...

Use of TachoSil® for Efficient Hemostasis During Emergency Exploratory Thoracotomy in a 13-year-old Boy

Use of TachoSil® for Efficient Hemostasis During...

views: 377 comments: 0

Case report of a pediatric patient at emergency unit with blunt chest trauma around 2 months earlier as a result of falling off his skateboard. Symptoms of hemorrhagic shock and indication for exploratory...

Pediatric Surgery - Common Pediatric Surgical Disorders

Pediatric Surgery - Common Pediatric Surgical...

views: 4517 comments: 0

Pathology & radiology of common pediatric surgical disorders. 

Interesting Facts About Paediatric Surgery

Interesting Facts About Paediatric Surgery

views: 897 comments: 0

This piece of pediatric surgery content will guide you through 4 clinical case reports and direct QR-code links to peer reviewed clinical studies. They provide clinical evidence of TachoSil sealant matrix...

Use of TachoSil® For Sufficient Sealing of a Vein Interposition for Acute Occlusion of the Brachial Artery in a 5-year-old Child

Use of TachoSil® For Sufficient Sealing of a...

views: 684 comments: 0

Case report of a challenging supracondylar fractures of the distal humerus where brachial artery is involved. Vein interposition for anastomosis performed with support of TachoSil for vessel sealing.

COVID-19: Pandemic Surgery Guidance

COVID-19: Pandemic Surgery Guidance

views: 3832 comments: 0

Based on high quality surgery and scientific data, scientists and surgeons are committed to pro- tecting patients as well as healthcare staff and hereby provide this Guidance to address the special issues...

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