Rotator Cuff Tear - Imaging
Imaging of the rotator cuff is usually done either by x-ray, MRI, ultrasound or CT scan.
How to read a knee MRI?
In this video Prof. Bellemans explains how to read a knee MRI. He'll explain what important structures you can look for and how you can detect injuries.00:00 Intro 00:17 The different MRI views 01:10...
A Wasp-Inspired, Self-Propelling Steerable Needle...
Presentation on wasp-inspired, self-propelling steerable needle for MRI-guided procedures, delivered by Jette Bloemberg. This lecture was recorded during SMIT 2022 meeting in Oslo (May 2022). Produced...
Compression of the Spinal Cord & Hand Function...
Cervical myelopathy is a neurologic impairment due to compression of the spinal cord in cervical canal. Usually to make diagnosis MRI is needed. One of the earliest symptoms include changes hand dexterity...
Imaging In Lower Back Pain
In this video there is an overview of imaging methods in lower back pain. In young patient with low back pain in first 6-8 weeks X-ray isn't necessary, unless patient has a history of significant trauma,...
EUS with FNA
This video presents a case of 65 years old female. CI SCAN for the follow-ups of an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta showed a pulmonary lesion. Partnership with
Integrating MRI and Molecular Markers to Detect...
Sanoj Punnen, MD, MAS, describes how recent trial based research has supported the synergistic qualities of MRI and biomarkers in the cancer detection process by reducing unnecessary biopsies by approximately...
Advanced Prostate Cancer: What's Changing
Richard G. Harris, MD, President of LUGPA and UroPartners, discusses the recent incorporation of advanced prostate cancer (APC) clinics amongst LUGPAs within the United States. He goes on to discuss why...
MRI Pre and Post Treatment Horse Shoe Fistula...
MRI comparison study pre and post treatment Horse shoe Fistula in ano with Ischirectal Abcess #MRI perineum #drashishbhanot # Fistula in ano Ischhiorectal abscess.
Review of the Role of MRI Targeted Biopsy vs...
Mukesh Harisinghani, MD, Director of the Clinical Discovery Program Center for Molecular Imaging Research at Massachusetts General Hospital, reviews recent research on the effectiveness of MRI-targeted...
Healed ano Scrotal Fistula MRI Images
Healed ano scrotal fistula MRI Images showing pre and post treatment MRI #drashishbhanot,#anoscrotalfistulainano #MRIanoscrotalfistula
The Role of Fusion-MRI-based Biopsy for Focal...
Presented by Jochen Walz at the "SMIT 2019 - New Technology Drives Medicine" conference in Heilbronn, Germany on October 10-11, 2019.
MRI an Ultrasound for Software-Based Fusion-guided...
Presented by Ulrich Humke at the "SMIT 2019 - New Technology Drives Medicine" conference in Heilbronn, Germany on October 10-11, 2019.
This video presents a case of a 53 years old male, who suffered from abdominal pain since 2 months. CT & MRI showed a cystic lesion in the head of the pancreas 15 mm in diameter. Partnership with
Case Week 27
These short videos present a collection of radiology cases With images, evaluations, and diagnostics of for every case. Each case highlights the possible diseases and describes their characteristics.