Approach to Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding -...
Patients with acute upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding commonly present with hematemesis (vomiting of blood or coffee-ground-like material) and/or melena (black, tarry stools). Common causes of UGI...
Patient with klastsin tumor present with melena, duodenoscopy was performed and shows hemobilia.
Melena in Colonoscopy
A 74 year-old female, was hospitalized due to an upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage, the colonoscopy displayed melena found a the cecum.
Massive Rectal Bleeding (2 of 11)
The colon was seen to be filled with dark blood. The main symptom of lower GI bleeding is blood exiting the anus, either alone (bright red blood per rectum) or as red-stained stool (hematochezia)....
Ulcerated Hyperplastic Polyp (1 of 4)
This is the case of a 57 year old female with a large ulcerated hyperplasic polyp of the gastric cardias, presented with hematemesis and melena.
Gastric Varices (6 of 25)
8 months after the first endoscopy the patient began with her first hemorrhage presenting several episodes of hematemesis and melena. This emergency endoscopy was carry out in the operation room...
Gastric Adenocarcinoma With Varices - Endoscopy...
A 95 year-old male was hospitalized because of pallor and melena with 8.0 mg/dl. of Hb.
Massive Epistaxis - Origin of the Bleeding -...
In rare cases, this condition may lead to massive bleeding and even death. Although epistaxis can have an anterior or posterior source, it most often originates in the anterior nasal cavity.
Massive Epistaxis - Absolute Alcohol Ablation...
Injection of absolute alcohol was injected into the lesion.
Massive Epistaxis - 76-year-old female patient...
A 76 year-old female that one month previously was hospitalized due to severe epistaxis in a hospital of the Social Insurance of El Salvador, had been treated with repeated anteroposterior nasal packing,...