medical students

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Deep Vein Thrombosis Venous Diseases

views: 4526 comments: 0

Today I have uploaded a video on Deep Vein Thrombosis- DVT • In this video I discussed about the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features, investigtions, Wells scoring, differential diagnosis and treatment...

Varicose Veins

views: 5657 comments: 1

Today I have uploaded a video on Varicose Veins- one of the important surgical problem you must master. In this episode, I am talking about the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnostic workup...

Pulmonary Embolism - Venous Diseases

views: 4263 comments: 0

Today I have uploaded a video on Pulmonary Embolism-PE. • In this video, I discussed about the etio-pathogenesis, clinical features, investigations, Wells scoring, differential diagnosis, treatment and...

Surgery In Bleeding Diathesis

views: 4442 comments: 0

Today I have uploaded a video on “Surgery in Bleeding Diathesis”. Surgeons are doing surgeries because of normal blood clotting and wound healing. Suppose if your patient’s blood doesn’t clot properly...


views: 5286 comments: 0

Intussusception is common in infants. It can also occur in adults with some underlying pathology like Meckel's diverticulum, submucosal polyp and non-hodgkin's lymphoma. It is characterised by pain abdomen,...

IHPS - Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis

views: 10178 comments: 0

IHPS is one of the common pediatric surgical problems where the child will present with non bilious vomiting. You have to correct both dehydration and electrolyte imbalance before doing the corrective...

General Surgery Books for Making of Surgeons

views: 6035 comments: 0

Because of the popular demand from the viewers of this channel, I have made a video exclusively on the recommended books for making of a general surgeon. I have included an exhaustive list of excellent...

Pediatric Surgery Books for Pediatric Surgeons

views: 5675 comments: 0

In this episode, I am talking about various books available for Pediatric Surgeons to master the specialty. I have reviewed clinical pediatric surgery books, text books in pediatric surgery, operative...

Head Injury - An Overview

views: 4232 comments: 0

Today I have uploaded a video on Head injury- an important topic in trauma because 50% of trauma deaths are due to head injuries. I haven’t talked elaborately but have included the essential minimum an...

Chest Injury - Blunt

views: 5616 comments: 0

Today I have uploaded a video on CHEST INJURY - BLUNT - an important topic in trauma. Even the blunt chest trauma can turn into penetrating one because of jagged edges of the broken ribs. I haven’t...

Urethral Injury - Trauma Surgery

views: 6539 comments: 0

Today I have uploaded a video on URETHRAL INJURY - one more in Trauma Surgery. I haven’t talked elaborately but have included the essential minimum an undergraduate medical student should know....

Burns Injury

views: 4511 comments: 0

Burns is a preventable devastating injury. Early aggressive treatment can save many patients but prevention is better.

Posterior Urethral Valves - Pediatric Surgery

views: 6355 comments: 0

Video presentation on posterior urethral valves. Today I have uploaded one more video in Pediatric Surgery/Pediatric Urology- “ Posterior Urethral Valves” • Posterior Urethral Valves is the congenital...

Diverticular Disease - Lower GI Hemorrhage

views: 4437 comments: 0

Today I have uploaded one of the common causes of Lower GI Hemorrhage - Diverticular Disease. I have talked on the etiopathogenesis, clinical types, clinical features, investigations, complications and...

Hemorrhoids - Lower GI Hemorrhage

views: 4554 comments: 0

In this episode, I am talking about one of the common problems in Genaral Surgery - Hemorrhoids. I have talked on the Etiopathogenesis, Classification, Clinical Features, Investigations, Complications...

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