anatomy education

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Abnormal (Aberrant) Obturator Artery (Corona...

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 3037 comments: 0

The obturator artery usually arises from the internal iliac artery. In about 30% of cases, it arises from the inferior epigastric and descends to the obturator foramen. The artery in this course can pass...

Anatomical Basis Of Common Brachial Plexus Injuries

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 3155 comments: 0

In this video, Dr. Akram Jaffar explains upper and lower brachial plexus injuries. Topics covered include Erb's palsy (upper brachial plexus injury), its causes, the affected nerves, and the limb position...

Cross Sectional Anatomy Of The Female Pelvis

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 5392 comments: 0

This video provides a comprehensive overview of the pelvis and perineum anatomy using transverse anatomical and axial CT sections. It covers 18 transverse anatomical sections, with corresponding diagrams...

Anatomy teaching methods: evolution or extinction

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Students
views: 3060 comments: 0

Embracing Innovation in Anatomy Education: Bridging the Gap between Traditional and Modern Teaching Methods. Join us at the Scientific Forum for Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology Specialists in Iraq,...

Picture Tests in Anatomy Lower Limb Gluteal Region...

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 6662 comments: 0

After completion of this video, you will be able to identify and discuss some features of the gluteal region and posterior (hamstring) compartment of the thigh: Piriformis; sciatic nerve variations; action...

Cerebellum Clinical Anatomy - Cerebellar Syndrome

views: 4517 comments: 0

The word cerebellum means “little brain”. It is a structure of the nervous system that has an important role in motor control. In particular, the cerebellum is important in the coordination,...

Online Anatomy Classes and Digital Demonstration...

views: 2775 comments: 0

Guest of the MEDtube's Modern Medical Education series, Dr. Akram Jaffarm, shares his knowledge of online teaching and asynchronous education techniques on the example of teaching anatomy.

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