esophageal lesion

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Esophageal SMT Resection

views: 1877 comments: 0

Video case: this clip presents endoscopic resection of esophageal submucosal tumor. Previous EUS assessment prooved submucosal tumor suitable for endoscopic management.

Esophageal Lesion - Early Cancer or ...?

views: 3165 comments: 0

Patient underwent total gastrectomy for gastric cancer a few years ago. At present admited for chest pain. Performed OGD revealed as above. Can the lesion be resected endoscopically? Is endosonography...

Gastric or Esophageal Cause of Occult Bleeding

views: 2652 comments: 0

Video case: patient admitted with fatigue, anaemia (Hb 8.0). What is the most likely cause of occult bleeding? Esophageal or gastric lesions? Banding or not banding that is the question.    

Esophageal Ulcerations - Case

views: 4438 comments: 0

69-year-old female patient was referred for gastroscopy examination in the beginning of April due to acute dysphagia (for 7 days), pain/burning sensation along the sternum, pain in the epigastrium. In...

ESD Esophagus

views: 3295 comments: 0

A 52 years old patient, history of uvula cancer treated with radiotherapy and surgery, Upper endoscopy: flat 0-IIb esophageal lesion between 20 and 23 cm from the incisors. Enjoy!

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