Erosion is the loss of epithelial covering the mucosa or skin, which does not reach the deeper layers. dermatological lesions include it into the secondary cutaneous condition. The etiology of their formation are multifaceted - remains of the original lesions descent, corrosive and irritants agents, infection, cancer and other morphological abnormalities. The presence of erosions is disorder of the existing defense barrier, which results in an increased risk of various infections. Some types of erosion are states of pre-cancerous and untreated can lead to the development of cancer (e.g. erosion of the cervix).
Types depending on location
a) gastric erosion - this is a loss of gastric mucosa but not exceeding the muscle layer (not gastric ulcer). Symptoms are similar to those of peptic ulcer disease (retrosternal pain, increasing in periods starvation). The occurrence of large amounts of gastric erosions was called hemorrhagic gastritis - present at the mucosal surface bleeding changes, which further intensifies already existing inflammation. Diagnostic method: gastroscopy with biopsy (the presence of Helicobacter Pylori). treatment of proton pump inhibitors (inhibit gastric acid secretion; creation correct environment for healing). In the case of the presence of H. Pylori, also enable eradication therapy.
b) aphthae - erosions of mucous membrane surrounding the mouth, tongue and lips. Changes are accompanied by inflammation and pain. They tend to recur and their cause has not been determined - on their development affects chemicals added to foods and to toothpastes, states of malnutrition in the body (avitaminosis B12, folic acid deficiency , stress, mechanical trauma (accidental or intentional), abnormal immune system (allergies, AIDS), hormonal disorders, use of strong antibiotics, leukemia, family predisposition. Aphthae may be a manifestation of Crohn's disease in the oral cavity (can not be underestimated). Treatment is symptomatic, the changes are spontaneously healed.
c) erosions in the cervix - loss of normal vaginal epithelium of the cervix which expose mucous membrane and are visible as red spots or they are replaced by columnar epithelium of the cervical canal, which leads to an inflammation. Their formation may contribute to chemical agents (pessaries, pills, hormonal contraception), mechanical stress, hormonal changes and infections. Correct diagnosis is performed by colposcopy, microbiological and cytological examination of vaginal smear and histological slice. Treatment is symptomatic (globules) or in more severe cases - treatment (electrocoagulation, chemicals, cryocoagulation, photocoagulation).
Tooth Wear | Non Carious Cervical Lesions
Watch this video to know everything about non carious cervical lesions popularly known as tooth wear / tooth surface loss / worn out teeth. Tooth wear is one of the most common dental complain. It is...
Full Mouth Rehabilitation For Advanced Tooth...
Full mouth rehabilitation for advanced tooth wear and erosion case study. This new video will help you discover what's possible with a case study of a patient dr Stephen treated in his dental practice...
Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Treatment of Peptic...
The video contains information about laparoscopic and endoscopic treatment of peptic ulcer disease.
Esophageal Ulcerations - Case
69-year-old female patient was referred for gastroscopy examination in the beginning of April due to acute dysphagia (for 7 days), pain/burning sensation along the sternum, pain in the epigastrium. In...
Crohn´s Colitis (1 of 3)
Multiple small aphthous erosions (1 to 2 mm) with erythematous rims. This 36 year-old male, Swedish it had arrived at El Salvador by vacations, has antecedent of long evolution to suffer from abdominal...
Multiple Duodenal Erosions due to Salmonella...
Salmonella organisms are gram-negative bacilli in the family Enterobacteriaceae. Differences in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and flagellar structure generate the antigenic variation that is reflected in...
Multiple Duodenal Erosions due to Salmonella...
Nontyphoidal Salmonellosis Prognosis of patients with simple gastroenteritis is excellent except for very young infants or patients with debilitating diseases. The prognosis for Salmonella meningitis...
Multiple Duodenal Erosions due to Salmonella...
Duodenal Involvement in Salmonella Gastroenteritis usually starts 12 to 48 h after ingestion of organisms, with nausea and cramping abdominal pain followed by diarrhea, fever, and sometimes vomiting....
Multiple Duodenal Erosions due to Salmonella...
This is the case of a 42 year-old woman with acute diarrhea, (loose watery stools) fever chills, nausea and vomiting and acute abdominal pain with diffuse nonfocal abdominal tenderness, patient was...
Erosive Duodenitis
The etiology of duodenitis is not completely understood. However, the gastric acid hypersecretion and the helicobacter pylori play an important role in the pathogenesis.
Gastric Erosion (2 of 2)
Cronic Gastritis Furrow of erosioned mucosal changes. Gastric carcinoma of the intestinal type originates in dysplastic epithelium, which in turn develops in the milieu of atrophic gastritis and...
Gastric Erosion (1 of 2)
Seen with magnification and high-resolution chromoendoscopy. Helicobacter Pylori infection was found in the biopsies. Helicobacter pylori is the major cause of chronic gastritis worldwide. With an...
Chronic Erosive Gastritis
Multiples small (5-10 mm) nodules, some with central depression or erosions, are observed. The cause of this uncommon entity is unknown and reflects a chronic erosive inflammatory process.