
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Endoscopic Rotator Cuff (Bursal Side) Correction

views: 5126 comments: 0

In the movie we can see rotator cuff reconstruction (bursal side). Young woman was diagnosed with recurrent shoulder soreness. Both Neer's and Hawkin's tests resulted positive.

Pre- And Postoperative Double Row Correction...

views: 4683 comments: 0

The video presents double row method of athroscopic rotator cuff correction.

ALPSA Arthoscopic Correction Using Bankart Knife...

views: 6025 comments: 0

In the video we can see ALPSA arthroscopic correction with glenoid preparation method for unstable shoulder using Bankart knife.

Rotator Cuff Impairment Beneath Blade-Bone

views: 4919 comments: 0

This video shows arthroscopic image diagnosing subscapularis trauma of rotator tear cuff.

Second Type Of Superior Labrum Anterior To Posterior...

views: 5184 comments: 0

The clip is a clinical case presentation of the patient suffering from recurrent shoulder pain. The second type of SLAP injury was diagnosed thanks to arthroscopy.

Arthroscopic Knee Cleanup In Septic Inflammation

views: 15192 comments: 0

In this video you can see arthroscopic knee cleanup in septic inflammation.

Arthroscopy In Septic Inflammation Of Knee Joint

views: 5971 comments: 0

The video illustrates arthroscopic method in a septic knee arthritis.

Arthroscopic Cleanup In Joint Septic Inflammation

views: 9611 comments: 0

The video demonstrates intraoperative cleanup in a patient, who during arthroscopy, revealed septic arthritis of the knee. The joint is filled with pus.

Arthroscopic Assessment Of Reverse L-Shaped Tear...

views: 5080 comments: 0

The video presents clinical case of 50-year old female which, during arthroscopy, revealed reverse L-shaped injury of the rotator cuff. The video shows an arthroscopic image of a retracable cuff and apex...

Knee Arthroscopy

views: 13451 comments: 0

The material presents knee arthroscopy. Medical Animations by High Impact Graphics. Learn more at or give us a call at 800-749-2184.

Arthroscopy - Surgery Video

Dan Izzo

Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 6781 comments: 0

Arthroscopy helps patients who suffer from chronic knee pain or a torn cartilage in the knee

Shoulder Arthroscopy - Inspection With Usage...

views: 8844 comments: 0

Author presents shoulder arthroscopy - inspection with usage of a hook.

Arthroscopy Of The Scapulohumeral Joint Using...

views: 5799 comments: 0

In this video you can see arthroscopy of the scapulohumeral joint using air insufflation.

Arthroscopy- Fluid: Scapulohumeral Joint

views: 6223 comments: 0

This video presents arthroscopy- fluid: scapulohumeral joint.

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