Knee Dislocation: ACL Reconstruction - PCL Reconstruction

10 years ago

Case description

This patient suffered a knee dislocation with an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture, a posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (PCL), and a posterior-lateral corner injury. All were reconstructed simultaneously. The video contains detailed description of visualized elements of a knee joint and steps of operation.
‘This is a 25 year old patient who is a big mountain skier and cliff jumper, who injured his knee in January 2010 going off the cliff. He elected to rehabilitate his knee for the first few months and presented for surgical repair in march 2010. This patients physical examination at the time of surgery was consistent with his previous exam in the office and his MRI findings. Examination of the intercondylar notch demonstrated rapture of the PCL, with the complete rupture of the fibres and absence of tissue bridging the postural aspect of the tibia. There was a partial rupture of the ACL with absence of posterior-lateral fibres with a few of the anterior-medial fibres still remaining.’

tags: anterior cruciate ligament Posterior Cruciate Ligament ACL Reconstruction PCL Reconstruction description of visualised elements knee joint Arthroscopy steps of operation sport injury

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