anterior cruciate ligament

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All-Inside Double Bundle ACL Reconstruction

views: 6716 comments: 0

Orlando Orthopaedic Center's Dr. Randy S. Schwartzberg, a board certified orthopaedic surgeon specializing in Sports Medicine, discusses what's involved with an All-Inside Double Bundle ACL Reconstruction....

ACL Reconstruction Surgery


Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 7712 comments: 0

ACL Reconstruction surgery performed by Dr. Eric Janssen, of SportsMED Orthopaedic Surgery & Spine Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The patient is a 15 year old softball player. She tore her anterior...

How to Read Knee MRI of ACL Tear | Anterior Cruciate...

views: 21893 comments: 0

In this video, Colorado knee surgeon Dr. LaPrade identifies how to read knee MRI of ACL tear. He looks at the normal anatomy of the knee and what a torn ACL looks like and the secondary signs of an anterior...

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction...

Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 6794 comments: 0

Doctor Bertram Zarins at Mass General Hospital has prepared this animation to explain how he reconstructs a torn ACL with a patellar tendon autograft.

All-Inside Arthroscopic ACL (Anterior Cruciate...

Chad Smalley

Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 6627 comments: 0

This is an educational video demonstrating an all-inside arthroscopic technique used to reconstruct a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The graft is fixed to the femur with a bioresorbable cross-pin...

Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction

views: 7613 comments: 0

Detailed video of Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction using four stranded hamstring graft. The movie includes Lachman's test, Pivot shift test, harvesting of the hamstring autograft, diagnostic arthroscopy,...

Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction

views: 5752 comments: 0

Brief version of arthroscopic ACL reconstruction presented by Dr. E. Edward Khalfayan. The movie contains graphic surgical images, a detailed description of the visualised stuctures and steps taken during...

ACL Reconstruction Surgical Technique

views: 11286 comments: 0

Allograft bone patellar bone anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using the arthroscopic three portal technique, narrated by Kevin Stone. The movie contains detailed description of procedure and...

Knee Dislocation: ACL Reconstruction - PCL Reconstruction

views: 7874 comments: 0

This patient suffered a knee dislocation with an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture, a posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (PCL), and a posterior-lateral corner injury. All were reconstructed...

Preoperative Trauma Anterior Cruciate Ligament...

views: 5629 comments: 0

The video illustrates a knee assessment in a patient afrer ACL trauma. Test performed is a Pivot shift exam.

Range Of Motility Improvement After ACL Intervention...

views: 4686 comments: 0

The video presents the patient who was made an Anterior Cruciate Ligament repair and, to achieve better motility range, is practicing closed chain exercise.

Peerasak Kaewson Test For Knee Anterior Cruciate...

views: 4017 comments: 0

This video demonstrates Peerasak Kaewson test for knee anterior cruciate ligament.

Aspiration In Anterior Cruciate Ligament Trauma

views: 12912 comments: 0

In the movie we can see a method of aspiration in severe ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) trauma. A lot of blood can be seen in the knee joint.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Knee Trauma Examination...

views: 7902 comments: 0

The video presents how to examine a patient with ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) trauma before the surgery using Pivot test.

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