Orthodontics courses

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Wired Shut? Need Food - Dinner Through A Straw

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 4357 comments: 0

Here is a neat package for patients that require food through a straw after intermaxillary fixation.

Treatment Planning Challenge #1

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 4622 comments: 0

This is exciting - submit what you would do to replace crowns #8/9. What type of crown would you use and why - ie - Empress Crown - which is composed of xxxx - I'm using it b/c of reasons 1,2,3. The best...

Slow/Rapid Palatal Expansion - Appliance Design

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 5988 comments: 0

Reviewing the design of this appliance before sending to the lab for fabrication.

Orthodontics Wire Review - Niti, Stainless Steel,...

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 7473 comments: 0

This is a basic overview of the most common types of orthodontic wire available in 2011.

Orthodontic Niti Wire - Super Flexible

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 4874 comments: 0

This is a brief overview of Nickel Titanium Orthodontic wires. Round, Square

Orthodontic Niti Wire - Super Flexible

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 4316 comments: 0

This is a brief overview of Nickel Titanium Orthodontic wires. Round, Square

Ortho Patient RM - 7 Months

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 5209 comments: 0

We are continuing to move her mandibular midline to the right by using powerchain in addition to class II elastics from tooth #23 - 36. There will be a few tweaks during the finishing stage including...

Preparation Guide On Preparation - Super Old...

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 4368 comments: 0

Reviewing my FDP preparation with the guide in place. The intent is to prep for a pressed e.max fdp

Move Teeth To Increase Restorative Space - Easily.

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 4635 comments: 0

This was essentially the question I had this morning after a mentor (no name at this point) suggested that we revisit the waxup stage and distalize tooth #15.after the crown was milled. Well, after some...

Ahhhh.Relief At Last.

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 16458 comments: 0

Orthodontic Debonding Here is a comprehensive patient debonding @ 12months of orthodontic treatment. The next step is to fabricate a screw retained implant crown for implant #18, crown lengthening tx...

Slow/Rapid Palatal Expansion - Appliance Back...

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 6197 comments: 0

I just received the "Hyrax" appliance from the lab. Since this has been sent to the lab, we reviewed an article in our current literature seminar regarding slow palatal expansion. It turns out that slow...

Easily Clean Your Braces

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 4467 comments: 0

This is my dental assistant's idea - and it works. Use a large proxabrush to clean under the wire.

Ever Flame Your Niti Wires To Anneal Them?

Ashley Mark

Specialty:  Orthodontics
views: 4473 comments: 0

Flame anneal your Niti ortho wires to remove the elastic property. This will prevent them from popping out of the molar tube.

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