Gastroenterology training

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Impacted Minor Papilla Stone

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Clinical video case: a 37 years old came with recurrent episodes of pancreatitis. CT-Images showed multiple parenchymal calcifications at head & uncinate process with a calcification on medial wall...

Balloon Insertion for Morbid Obesity in Young...

views: 948 comments: 0

Intragastric balloon insertion for morbid obesity in young woman. By Ahmad Hormati Shahid Beheshti hospital,Qom, Iran. 

Brown Oval CBD Stone Extraction

views: 590 comments: 0

Large brown oval CBD stone extraction. Performed by Ahmad Hormati Shahid Beheshti hospital, Qom, Iran.

Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication Technically...

views: 827 comments: 0

Surgical case description: 41 year old male presented with heart burn, abdominal bloating for 10 years and on PPI. per abdomen examination normal. OGD shows type 1 hiatus hernia with esophagitis. The...

Perforation Closure - The Art of Clipping

views: 2512 comments: 4

A case of incomplete perforation after endoscopic procedure in transverse colon. Hemoclips were used, suturing resection bed completely. Patient started on iv antibiotics - discharged a few days...

LST-G Hybrid ESD Resection

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LST-G rectal lesion resected with hybrid ESD (due to patient becoming finally uncooperative). Resection in endscopy unit without sedation. Snare size 35mm embedded into proximal incision.

ESD + Resection Bed Clipiing

views: 1118 comments: 0

Endoscopy video case: ESD + resection bed clippng.  

Antral Lesion Evaluation Including Retroflexion...

views: 1319 comments: 0

Endoscopy video case: antral lesion evaluation including retroflexion in D1.  

Ampullectomy (part 3)

views: 1411 comments: 0

Video case: endoscopic resection of an ampullary adenoma... part 3 - day after clipping. 

Flat Gastric Adenoma - Resection

views: 1575 comments: 0

Endoscopy video case: flat gastric adenoma (Paris 0-IIb) was resected in hybrid ESD /EMR. The specimen was  histologically examined and was resected completely.

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