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MEDtube Science 2016 - Diagnosis and Treatment of Lower Limb Arteries True Aneurysms

3 years ago
Vascular Surgery

Case description

Lower extremities artery true aneurysm is a rare but significant vascular problem. It is usually found in the popliteal artery, seldom femoral artery. Most important symptoms related with this vascular condition are mainly due to peripheral embolization and untreated may lead to a severe limb ischemia. Usually it is very easy to diagnose such an aneurysm, as we can simply palpate a pulsing knob. Aneurysms can be treated conservatively or surgically. Generally surgical procedure is regarded as a safe and effective method of treatment. Despite rapid development of endovascular techniques open surgery still remains a gold standard of treatment. However, there is still lack of data to confirm the advantages of open or endovascular approach.

tags: MEDtube science journal 2016 aneurysms

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