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MEDtube Science 2014 - Early detected vascular complication following femoral artery puncture for endovascular SFA revascularisation. Case report

3 years ago
Vascular Surgery

Case description

Iatrogenic vascular trauma is more frequent today as a result of the increase in diagnostic and therapeutic femoral catheterizations. We present a case of iatrogenic profound femoral artery injury following standard ipsilateral access to SFA revascularisation. 57 years old men was treated due to RSFA total occlusion (TASC C). First puncture was unsuccessful and catheter was placed in PFA. Next attempt was successful and standard angioplasty and stenting of the RSFA were performed. Next day severe haematoma of the thigh was observed. Angio-CT revealed injury with huge false aneurysm from the first branch of PFA. After few days using contralateral approach few coils were implanted in the beginning of the injured arterial branch. Aneurysm was successfully cured (six months follow up).

tags: MEDtube Science 2014 journal article Vascular SFA report

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