Robotic Radical Prostatectomy - RARP

6 years ago

Case description

Among the many treatment options for localized prostate cancer, radical prostatectomy remains the gold standard therapeutic option. Robotic radical prostatectomy (RARP) continues to grow in global usage as a minimally invasive option for surgical care. The following educational video will help the viewer better understand the intricacies of the procedure with this narrated and unedited RARP case.

In the following case, a 45 year old male with unilateral right sided prostate cancer underwent RARP. His surgery was uncomplicated. After a skin-to-skin surgical time of 90 minutes, he was kept overnight for observation and discharged the following morning. The blood loss was less than 100mL. His Foley catheter was removed on POST-OPERATIVE DAY 4 and was seen 6 weeks after surgery in clinic. He was pad-free continent at 2 weeks after surgery and has regained erections for sexual intercourse also in the 2nd week after surgery.

Video by Dr. Kevin C. Zorn.

tags: robotic radical prostatectomy rarp prostate cancer radical prostatectomy prostate gland PSA prostate biopsy

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