Robotic Surgery For Large Pheochromocytoma

9 years ago

Case description

This video shows robotic surgery for large pheochromocytoma. Pheochromocytoma is a relatively, rare, benign tumor of adrenal gland which releases unregulated levels of hormones (catecholamines) leading to dangerously high level of blood pressure. Such high spikes of blood pressure may prove to be life threatening.
Along with good preoperative preparation, an expert anesthetic team, meticulous surgery, with minimal intraoperative handling of tumor (so as to avoid sudden surge of hormones and high BP) is very important.
This video also shows advantage of robotic surgery in handling large pheochromocytoma in relation to vital structures and renal hilar vessel. Specifically in this case, precise separation from vessels supplying to the kidney was important (in order to save the kidney from inadvertent damage).
Patient was fit on post operative Day 2. No blood transfusion. Small keyhole scars.
Author of this video is Dr Rajiv Yadav from India.

tags: robotic surgery pheochromocytoma adrenal gland adrenal tumor

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