Robotic Surgery in India

Robotic Surgery in India - publications, events, lectures

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Advanced Robotic Surgery in India for cancer and noncancerous conditions of urinary tract. Robotic surgery for cancer Prostate i.e Robotic Radical Prostatectomy, Kidney cancer i.e Robotic Radical Nephrectomy and Robotic Partial Nephrectomy, Urinary bladder cancer i,e Robotic Radical Cystectomy, Adrenal tumors like Pheochromocytoma and cancers, Adult and pediatric Robotic pyeloplasty (for PUJ obstruction).

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Robotic Surgery For Large Pheochromocytoma

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This video shows robotic surgery for large pheochromocytoma. Pheochromocytoma is a relatively, rare, benign tumor of adrenal gland which releases unregulated levels of hormones (catecholamines) leading...

Robotic Right Adrenalectomy

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This video shows robotic right adrenalectomy because of functional adenoma. Functional adrenal adenoma secreting large, uncontrolled amount of steroid hormones is one of the cause of Cushing's syndrome....

Robotic Surgery For Hilar Kidney Tumor

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This video shows robotic surgery for hilar kidney tumor. Partial nephrectomy is a advanced minimally invasive surgical procedure which preserves the kidney function while removing the kidney tumor with...

Robotic Surgery: Adrenal Tumor (Conn's Syndrome)

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This video shows robotic left adrenalectomy for functional adenoma with Conn's syndrome (primary hyperaldosteronism). It is a rare benign tumor of adrenal causing hypertension and hypokalemia (with periodic...

Robotic Partial Nephrectomy For Kidney Cancer

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This video shows technique of nephron sparing surgery (NSS). It is the procedure of choice in case of localized cancer of kidney. It provides excellent outcomes as compared to radical nephrectomy. Preservation...

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