Thorsic Bulging

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4 years ago
Thoracic Surgery

Case description

Pt with known stage 4B ovarian cancer (adencarcinoma), Wertheim-Meiggs performed. 4 years later it recurred in the vaginal vault and was treated with Carboplatin and Gemcitabine (12 chemo's). In remission for 3 years. In June 2020, after follow-up CT scan, 2 of the 3 known nodules in her R lung enlarged. Thoracotomy was performed and they were removed. Pt now being treated with Carboplatin and Paclitaxol (6 chemo's), of which 4 is left. +/- 2 weeks post-op she complained of the feeling of an balloon or a tissue expander in the area of her right scapula, especially with Valsalva and when lying down. CXR's were done to exclude effusion and pneumthorax. This bulging is increasing in size. Seroma? Lung hernia? Other? What to do? Aspiration? Ultrasound? Other?

tags: Thorsic Bulging


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