Zenker diverticulum

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Zenker Diverticulum. Endoscopic Treatment.

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Endoscopic treatment of a Zenker Divertiulum using a SB-Knife.

Endoscopic Treatment, Zenker Diverticulum

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This video presents a case of a 75 years old male, who suffered from dysphagia since 4 years. Gastroscopy and radiology found a zenker diverticulum.

Zenker's Diverticulum - 68 Years-Old Male

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This 69 year old male, has been complained of dysphagia with nocturnal regurgitation of partially digested food material. Endoscopy shows the diverticula and the septum Pharyngeal diverticulae may...

Esophageal Diverticula - Heterotopic Gastric...

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Besides the esophageal diverticulum, the patient has an island of heterotopic gastric mucosa in the upper third. Salmon-colored patch of mucosa found in the proximal esophagus, just below the upper...

Esophageal Diverticula - Searching for the Diverticulas

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The exact cause of a mid-esophageal diverticulum is not known but the condition has been associated with scarring and various esophageal motor abnormalities.

Esophageal Diverticula - Insertion of the Endoscope

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Almost all esophageal diverticula are acquired pulsion diverticula. The most common symptoms are dysphagia, regurgitation, thoracic pain, and pulmonary manifestations related to aspiration.

Zenker's Diverticulum - Use of Pediatric Endoscope

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To overcome the pressure exerted by the diverticulum in the upper esophageal sphincter, we used a pediatric endoscope to perform the endoscopy with some difficulty the scope is passed into the esophagus,...

Zenker's Diverticulum - Closer Look at the Wall...

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The septum between the diverticula and the upper sphincter Endoscopic view of the common wall between the cervical esophagus and the diverticula. The endoscopic treatment of symptomatic pharyngoesophageal...

Zenker's Diverticulum - Retroflexed Image of...

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Retroflexed image showing the Nasopharynx. Canalization of the esophagus with Zenker diverticulum is not an easy task, in our patient some, several attempts to bring forward the esophagus was performed,...

Zenker's Diverticulum - Trapped Food

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It has some old food trapped in it In 1877, Friedrich Albert von Zenker, professor of pathology at Erlangen University in Germany, described the pulsion diverticulum that bears his name. His series...

Zenker's Diverticulum - 75 Years-Old Male

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This 75 year-old male presented with of increasing dysphagia with nocturnal regurgitation of partially digested food material. Zenker diverticulum is rare, occurs in elderly populations, and results...

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