ovarian mass
Challenging Adnexectomy for Complex Ovarian Mass
This video shows a laparoscopic right adnexectomy for complex ovarian mass in a 48 years old patient with prviews multiples open surgeries .This endoscopic procedure is performed in clinique la capitale...
Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for ovarian mass...
We performed a microlaparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy using a 10-mm umbilical port for laparoscope insertion and two 5-mm ports for the ligasure and the grasper. The transvaginal route was...
SELS: Laparoscopic Oophorectomy with Decompression
Video from Society of Elite Laparosccopic Surgeons. A left ovarian mass is removed laparoscopically.Cyst is decompressed and the mass delivered through a trocar site within an endocatch device. Surgeons...
Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy for Ovarian Mass...
We performed a microlaparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy using a 10-mm umbilical port for laparoscope insertion and two 5-mm ports for the ligasure and the grasper. The transvaginal route was...
Laparoscopic Management of Huge Ovarian Mass
The patient was 56 years old G4P4 c/s4, BMI =40 with history of the cystic mass 22.20.18 cm in MRI, and negative tumor markers. She underwent laparoscopic surgery and we released adhesions of cyst...
da Vinci Robotic Ovarian Cystectomy by Dr R K...
Robotic Ovarian Cystectomy (12cm simple ovarian cyst) for a 14 year old unmarried girl performed by R.K. Mishra at World Laparoscopy Hospital Gurgaon, da Vinci ovarian cystectomy offer better outcome,...
daVinci Cystectomy on Pregnant Patient
Removal of 8 cm right ovarian mass in a 16 week pregnant patient. The wristed motion of the daVinci instruments allows us to come in from above the gravid uterus and avoid putting significant pressure...
SELS: Oophorectomy, Decompression & Colpotomy...
Video from Society of Elite Laparoscopic Surgeons. A fourteen centimeter ovarian mass is removed, placed into an Surgical Specimen Retrieval Bag, decompressed and removed through a posterior colpotomy...
Large Ovarian Mass
In this video an ovarian mass extending far cephalad to the umbilicus is treated laparoscopically.