lung adenocarcinoma

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Unedited Robotic S1 Right Upper Lobe Segmentectomy

views: 2869 comments: 0

Robotic surgery video case: growing 8mm FDG-PET avid tumour in the posterior aspect of the apical segment right upper lobe lung. Robotic segmetectomy resection performed. Patient discharged 48 hours postop....

Robotic Right S1 Segmentectomy (Unedited)

views: 4026 comments: 0

Robotic thoracic surgery video case: 20mm semisolid lesion in the central part of S1 right upper lobe. We performed an extended S1 segmentectomy taking a more inferior parenchymal margin to ensure generaous...

Robot Assisted Bi-Lobectomy for a Upper Lobe...

views: 4639 comments: 2

Surgical video case: we present an unedited (sped up x2-x8) video of a robot assisted pulmonary bi-lobectomy (RUL & RML) for a 4.5cm peripheral tumour in the anterior segment of the RUL which directly...

Left Upper Lobe Pulmonary S1-3 Tri-Segmentectomy

views: 6566 comments: 0

74 year old female with an enlarging 18mm semi-solid pulmonary nodule in the inferior aspect of the S1 segment left upper lobe. The lung nodule is suspicious for a T1bN0M0 adenocarcinoma of the lung....

Robotic Right Middle Lobectomy of Lung

views: 6385 comments: 0

This lady had a 3cm tumour of the lung within the middle lobe (ML). It had a large semisolid component that occupied most of the inferior half of the lobe. We removed the ML using the Da Vinci Xi robotic...

Lung Adenocarcinoma Invading the Cissura

views: 4159 comments: 0

Video case: lung adenocarcinoma invading the cissura.

Lung Adenocarcinoma

views: 4036 comments: 0

In this video histology of lung adenocarcinoma is discussed.

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