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TCRAT-CABG + MV Replacement

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TCRAT-CABG + MV prosthesis via left anterior minithoracotomy. 67-year-old patient with a full metal jacket LAD and severe MV insufficiency with PL restriction. Procedure: LIMA to D1Ao to a. Radialis to...

Skeletonised Left Internal Mammary Artery Harvest...

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The left intermal mammary artery (LIMA) is universally used as the gold standard conduit for coronary bypass grafting surgery. We present our technique of in situ left internal mammary artery harvest...

LIMA Harvest Using Harmonic Hook Blade

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In situ left internal mammary artery (LIMA) harvest using harmonic scalpel. The harmonic blade facilitates easy atraumatic skeletonisation of the artery without the need to use clips for the branches...

Coronary Artery Grafting With Bilateral Internal...

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This video demonstrates the technique of coronary artery bypass grafting with bilateral internal mammary arteries using composite Y-graft technique. The right internal mammary artery (RIMA) is harvested...

Coronary Angiogram 5 years after BIMA Coronary...

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The clinical and prognostic benefits of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are well accepted for certain subgroups of patients with ischaemic heart disease. Most CABG patients require grafting of...

Bilateral Internal Mammary Artery Coronary Artery...

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A composite arterial graft is constructed by anastomosing the proximal end of the free right internal mammary artery (RIMA) to the left IMA (LIMA). This is a method described by Dr. Tector (USA). It...

64 Slice Contrast CT Control of the Grafts 3...

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Bilateral IMA Y-graft technique was used for the coronary arteries grafting on 32 years-old patient. CABGx5 was performed with the following arteries grafted: LIMA to Diagonal and LAD (sequential)...

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