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Coronary Artery Grafting With Bilateral Internal...

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This video demonstrates the technique of coronary artery bypass grafting with bilateral internal mammary arteries using composite Y-graft technique. The right internal mammary artery (RIMA) is harvested...

Coronary Angiogram 5 years after BIMA Coronary...

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The clinical and prognostic benefits of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are well accepted for certain subgroups of patients with ischaemic heart disease. Most CABG patients require grafting of...

Bilateral Internal Mammary Artery Coronary Artery...

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A composite arterial graft is constructed by anastomosing the proximal end of the free right internal mammary artery (RIMA) to the left IMA (LIMA). This is a method described by Dr. Tector (USA). It...

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