Listeria monocytogenes: A multifaceted model......
A talk by Dr. Pascale Cossart, professor and director of the Unité des Interactions Bactéries-Cellules at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, gives an overview of our understanding of the Listeria infection,...
Fever 2 - Lectures for General Practitioners
In these lectures, Dr. Ghanashyam Vaidya explains a few common case encountered by general practitioners and how to manage them. This is 2nd part of fever lecture. Fever, also referred to as pyrexia,...
Fever 1 - Lectures for General Practitioners
In these lectures, Dr. Ghanashyam Vaidya explains a few common case encountered by general practitioners and how to manage them. This is 1st part of fever lecture. Fever, also referred to as pyrexia,...
Acute Gastroenteritis (Paediatrics) Overview
In this video we're gonna look at acute gastroenteritis. This is an overview and introduction. Let us begin by looking at a scenario. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArmandoHasudungan Instagram:...
Pneumonia And Lung Cancer - Chest X-ray And CT
This video presents chest radiograph and CT in a patient with pneumonia and lung cancer. Clinical information. 87-year old patient with fever and cough. Pneumonia on radiograph, varified by CT. Pneumonia...
Typhoid Fever
Intestinal hemorrhage due to a typhoid fever. The ileocecal valve and the terminal ileum are seen in the video clip. There are several tiny and bleeding ulcers. Invasion of Peyer patches occurs...
Crohn's Disease - Endoscopy (24 of 28)
Crohn’s is a serious inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract that causes diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever and rectal bleeding. The cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown.
Sigmoid Diverticulitis - Colovesical Fistula...
Colovesical fistulae primarily result from diverticular disease. Ileovesical fistulae are most likely associated with Crohn disease. Rectovesical fistulae are more common in the setting of trauma or...
Acute Diverticulitis (1 of 5)
This 65 year old male. He had presented three days previously with abdominal pain, fever, chills, and leukocytosis, left lower quadrant tenderness with rebound. The image and the video show a diverticula...
Diverticulitis Of The Sigmoid (1 of 2)
A 58 year-old male, presenting with abdominal pain in the left iliac fosa, fever, chills and a the white blood cell count was of 15000, with neutrofilia. The endoscopic image was found on the sigmoid,...
Toxic Dilatation Of The Colon Superimposed Pseudomembranous...
The Cecum. This image and the video clip shows brilliant red blood. Jalan et al described the diagnostic criteria. The first criterion is radiographic evidence of colonic dilatation. The second criterion...
Thoracoscopic lung surgery
50 years old woman suffered from recurrent episodes of fever and cough despite receiving full course of antituberculosis treatment. CT scan of chest showed multiple lesions in lung , mostly in periphery....