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Pitfalls of Left Ventricular Outflow Tract VTI

Specialty:  Cardiology
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Stroke volume determination using LVOT VTI is rapidly becoming a valuable asset for answering complex hemodynamic questions at the bedside in the critically ill. Given that important clinical recommendations...

Myocarditis - Causes, Pathophysiology, Investigation...

views: 8336 comments: 0

"Myocarditis is inflammation of the cardiac muscle usually following an infection, trauma or ischaemic event to the heart. It is also associated with rheumatological diseases such as SLE. Myocarditis...

Cardiomyopathy Overview - Types (Dilated, Hypertrophic,...

views: 5810 comments: 0

Buy PDFs here: I design my own shirts please support :) "Cardiomyopathies are diseases of the heart muscle tissue. Cardiomyopathies represent a heterogeneous group of diseases...

Vertical vs Horizontal Integration in Cardiac...

views: 1709 comments: 0

 A presentation from the 2015 The New Orleans Conference covering the topic of integration in healthcare and how it affects those in the cardiac surgery specialty.

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